Call for Posters

AsiaCCS 2023 provides the poster session as a platform to present works in progress, share interesting results of a preliminary work, discuss new research ideas, and get feedback from other attendees. We particularly promote collaboration among researchers from multiple disciplines and/or between industry and academia.

Important Dates

  • Poster Submission Deadline: 23:59 April 2, 2023 (AoE)
  • Author Notification: April 9, 2023
  • Camera-Ready Deadline: April 16, 2023

Submission Instructions

Please read the instructions below before submitting the poster.  

Authors should prepare the submissions using the latest ACM sigconf style conference template only (see CFP of the main conference). A submission must be written in English, with 3 pages maximum including title, abstract, main contents and bibliography. All poster titles must begin with the keyword “POSTER:”. Submissions are not blinded, and must contain the authors’ names and affiliations. Submissions that are not formatted as described above will be desk-rejected.

The accepted posters will be published in the proceedings of ASIACCS 2023. At least one presenter per accepted poster must register for the conference as an author of the main conference and present in-person for the poster to be included in the proceedings.

The submission site is available at the following link.


  • Guangdong Bai (The University of Queensland, Australia)
  • Wei Wu (Fujian Normal University, China)
Please contact the Poster chairs at for any questions regarding the submissions.